
I've created this blog a few years back to keep track of my online life, the things happening in online games and my social networks.

These days you'll find my cocktail recepies here, poker news, my online poker tails, big boats, bad beats and brags about my life as a low stakes cash grinder and tournament player.

I blog about poker strategy on the EU Poker League's website - Head over tto the site and check it out! Great community, great players and great poker!

15 October 2009

Been a while...

Hey guys, been a while since I blogged anything around here. :-)

The summer was pretty mad and I was working flat out leaving me with little to no time for second life. Now the summer is over and I slowly find my way back into SL. At the moment I try to catch up with all the changes that have happened around SL, Xstreet and Apez.

At Apez we have completed most of our move to the new envoirement which is now based on Amazon's EC2 cloud computing. Cenji done a excellent job in the last couple of months preparing the move and coding all the packages for EC2 to run the Apez cluster.

This means also that we got a little behind on other tasks such as the control-demon and iVend updates.. but you can be sure that they will also hit you soon.

Got to run.. but I'll post more again from now on....

-Wise ;-)


Peter Stindberg said...

Don't forget a website redesign :-) Oh, and those translations :-)))

WiseCapra said...

Hey Peter, long time no hear.. :-)
Get in touch with Cenji about the translations mate. We're looking for some coders as well (as usual).

-Wise ;-)

Unknown said...

Hi Wise,

Any idea when the transaction issues will come to an end e.g. customers will have money owed in their accounts ans transferable by x date?

Is a plan being put in place to stop the same issue occuring again, other than handing over maanagement of Apez, which is not a solution?

I am still waiting for many transactions to become available and no feedback on my ticket for a long time.